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A Different Perspective

Writer's picture: NA PevetoNA Peveto

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

I know what you’re thinking: “Here we go. Another blog post about the recent happenings in DC. We know, we know - it was shameful, Christians shouldn’t condone that type of behavior, we’re commanded to respect those in authority, render unto Caesar, blah blah blah. We get it.”

Hang with me, because I've got some different things to say.

A few years ago I sat at our house in Zambia with my baby daughter. We had already received numerous emails from the US Embassy regarding the elections that were taking place, warning US citizens to limit travel and to stay at home if possible. That day, the results of the presidential election were going to be announced. Now, compared to some other African nations, Zambia is pretty tame when it comes to election season, in my opinion. Sure, we have our over-enthusiastic party supporters that post two dozen flyers on a single tree and vandalize business signs with their candidate’s name, but all in all, it’s pretty tame. Maybe the occasional protest turned riot, but no civil wars. No assassinations. No coups.

Anyway, Nicholas had driven into town for some quick errands (life can’t always come to a halt just because of an election, ya know). Now, I wasn’t sitting next to my radio or in front of my TV like the rest of the town, but I knew when the results had been announced. Shouting and cheering suddenly came from every direction. Our beloved Mr J (aka "grandfather" to the kids) even came in the house and told me the results. But then, a little while later, Nicholas came driving through the gate and got out of the truck, a frown on his face.

“People were burning tires, and I could barely pass down the road because of the crowds. Then, people started banging on my truck! I’m not sure which ones were celebrating and which ones were angry that their candidate lost, to be honest.”

You see, for many of us DC wasn't our first rodeo, nor will it be our last. Many of us live in unstable countries. Locking ourselves inside our homes on Election Day is a normal thing. Security guards walking around with ARs actually make us feel safer. Some plan their vacation during election season just to get away from the chaos that will inevitably occur in their town.

But that's overseas. In the USA we all expect to be able to just roll our eyes at political arguments and to avoid political conversations with certain individuals. We all expect peaceful protests and security forces that never actually have to be mobilized. So, what happened yesterday certainly shocked us, but what shocked me even more was the response from those who claim to be followers of Christ.

Christian nationalism is a rabbit trail I won't go down right now, but way too many people were and have been using Christ's name to justify what happened at the Capitol; even saying it was necessary. "If we don't take a stand, who will?" is the cry we hear over and over. And to that I say... God will. Or have you forgotten that He is the only one who actually has all authority, power, and might? Where is our faith?? In God? Or in ourselves or some man in the White House?

Many of our brothers and sisters live in countries where there are zero religious freedoms. You're either what they say you are, or you're a threat to be dealt with. Yet, believers continue sowing seeds. Why? Because their focus is on the Kingdom, not on their government. We have friends who live in a country whose economy is, to put it as bluntly as my four year old would, "poop". Yet the work of the Kingdom continues. Why? Because their focus is on eternity, not on the here and now.

Friends, there is something much more important than who sits in the president's chair.

It doesn't matter if you live in the US, Zambia, China, North Korea, or somewhere in between - God's Word is still as clear today as it was when Paul wrote to the church at Rome: "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement."

Nowhere, nowhere in scripture do we see Christ condoning acts of violence and defiance against authorities. Instead, we read, "blessed are the peacemakers", "love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you", and "never avenge yourselves for vengeance is mine".

I'm not saying just sit back and sip your sweet tea, but remember that we are not to become entangled in the affairs of the world. Participate, yes, but in a way that represents Christ well. Do not give in to the dramatics of people who bemoan the supposed end of our religious rights and fall of the economy all because one man will take office. Do not be the person who cheers on or participates in disruptive and destructive behavior from people who act in the name of Jesus and freedom. There is no need to launch a preemptive strike, verbally or physically, when you don't truly know what is going to happen next.

Remember, I said there is something much more important than who is in leadership?

It's the Gospel.

If you are more concerned with convincing people to join your political party rather than convincing people to join the Kingdom - you need to take a step back and refocus.

If you are more concerned with proclaiming that your country is the greatest in the whole world rather than proclaiming that Christ's name is the greatest in the whole world - you need to take a step back and refocus.

The Gospel has always been and will always be priority number one. Nothing even comes close. And I know, I know, people will be quick to argue that our religious freedoms are on their way out the door, but can I just ask you something? Would you just mind lifting your eyes up... little more.... liiiiitttle more. There. You see the rest of the world? Ah, that's right! There are other countries besides the USA! ;-) And guess what? Many of them are hostile towards the gospel. Many of those governments imprison people and direct extreme violence towards those who are found with belongings that are Christian in nature. But, guess what else? The gospel is still spreading in those very nations. Why? Because believers there know that it is more important to share the gospel and disciple other believers than it is to riot and revolt against their governments' decisions.

One last thing. Have you ever stopped for a second to think, what if God wants to strip us of our "rights"? Our finite minds cannot possibly understand the infinite wisdom of God, but what if God decided that in order to refine and purify those who belong to Him he would allow our religious freedoms to be taken away so that we will learn to solely rely on Him? What if God, in all his wisdom, knows that in order to weed out true worshipers, some less-than-pleasant changes need to happen in our government? He's done it before. Don't think He won't do it again.

I don't want to get in the way of God working how he wants to. Yes, I can certainly let my voice be heard while I have a voice. But, if/when things don't go the way I wanted them to, then let me step back and simply do what has already been commanded of me: submit to authorities; pray for those in leadership; do not seek out vengeance; and keep finding ways to get the gospel to the lost. God will do what He's going to do. Our job as Christians is to be salt and light in a dark world that desperately needs to hear the truth, and we absolutely cannot do that if we're behaving in ways contrary to His Word.

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